5. Reflection – Everyday Christian Devotionals
Hey there, Gabe from Deltona Aluminum here again. So far we’ve gone through three of six different motifs in our six-part devotional series: Awakening, Journey, Work, and Family.
I’d like for us to now take the time and reflect. As these six different themes represent six parts of the day, imagine that you are now transitioning from your work routine into the closing part of your day. Maybe you’re on your way home from your job; maybe you just put the kids to bed; maybe you’re taking a relaxing hot shower as you try and calm your brain down.
This is such a good time for us to reflect back on our day and turn our attention to God once more.
I’d like to borrow this next part from another devotional series called “A New Liturgy” by Aaron Niequis. I’d invite you to listen and even pray along with me as I read this:
Almighty God, thank You for today. Thank You that I was able to work today – to earn a living, and through Your Spirit, to make the world a little more like You’ve made it to be. Thank You.
Holy Spirit, please guide me now as I pray.
First, please bring to mind a moment today where You really used me, where you spoke and I listened, where I was able to serve someone and be your hands and feet. God, where did I feel most alive and full of Your Spirit today?
Loving God, would You bring to mind a moment today where I fell short, where I sinned against You or someone else. Maybe it was something I did when no one was looking…something I said that was hurtful…something I thought…maybe I said something I said that was absolutely true but the energy powering it was ugly. Father, please bring my sin to my mind.
Lord God,
I have sinned against you;
I have done evil in your sight.
I am sorry and repent.
Have mercy on me according to your love.
Wash away my wrongdoing and cleanse me from my sin.
Renew a right spirit within me
and restore the joy of your salvation,
through Jesus Christ my Lord.
Grace and peace.